
2022 is Another Record Breaking Year

The Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) Monthly Research Report – December Edition estimates that camping expects another record year, with 58 million households camping at least once. The outlook for 2023 also looks healthy as 87% of campers plan to include the…

KOA Pilots Campground Management Internship Program

Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) announces a new internship it will pilot at select KOA campgrounds in 2023. The 12-week Campground Management Internship Program will allow undergraduate students to work alongside experienced campground managers to offer a hands-on outdoor hospitality experience…

Better Camping Through Technology

KOA’s Industry-Leading Management Software When it comes to managing any business, few things are more important than an effective software system. Kampgrounds of America, Inc., the world’s largest outdoor hospitality company, has built a campground management software system from the…

How Camping Changed in 2O22

This year there were some major external factors driving changes in the travel space, including COVID-19, rising gas prices and inflation. In the KOA Monthly Research Report – November Edition we see that 74% of campers made at least one…

KOA Releases New Revenue Driving Features in K2

Kampgrounds of America, Inc.’s (KOA) proprietary, in-house-designed reservation software continues its industry-leading growth. Welcoming its first users in 2017, K2 has maintained an aggressive development schedule releasing new features and improvements regularly. In the high season, the K2 system processes…

Winter Campers are Ready for Fun!

The KOA Monthly Research Report – October Edition projects that 8.2 million households are planning to camp this winter. This is a sizeable increase over the 6.9 million households that winter camped in 2021, a growth of 19% in just one year….

KOA Named a Most Profitable Franchise of 2022

Kampgrounds of America, Inc. is one of just 50 franchises to be recognized for financial performance and franchisee satisfaction by Franchise Business Review Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) is an award-winning franchise in Franchise Business Review’s 2022 report on the…

Fall Camping Outpacing Last Year

September research shows that 2022 continues to prove campers are planning to make the most of Fall with 47% of camping households making plans to get out and enjoy the changing seasons. According to KOA Monthly Research – September 2022 Edition,…

KOA Prepares for a Strong Fall Camping Season

While we say goodbye to summer, we are preparing for another strong fall camping season. Our advanced deposits on reservations are up 3.7% from where they were at this time last year, which was our strongest fall season in history….

August 2022 Monthly Report

Looking forward to Fall: KOA Research Fall camping is on the rise and campers are eager to get outdoors. According to KOA Monthly Research – August 2022 Edition, more than 25 million campers are hoping to camp over the Labor/Labour…